Reid Harbor Rendezvous

What IS the Reid Harbor Rendezvous?

The Reid Harbor Rendezvous is an annual event where The SeaHorses load up their boats with tanks and journey north, almost to Canada, to enjoy spectacular diving in the north San Juan Islands near beautiful Reid Harbor, Stewart Island Marine State Park.

The Plan

The plan is to gather at Reid Harbor on the appointed rendezvous day, usually a Thursday or Friday, and then do two dives on both day-1 and day-2, and then a single dive on day-3 before heading home. There are no compressors available nearby, so everybody needs to bring all of the tanks they’re going to need with them, so 5 tanks per-person.

After diving, everybody will gather in the harbor to share stories and pictures and food and laughs.

How Do I Join This Trip?

If you have a boat and are able to sail up to Reid Harbor, load up your tanks and your gear and your dive buddies and go. Be sure to contact trip organizer Todd Osborne for all the logistical details (, or

Look for the event notice in the club calendar for this year’s dates and details.

What’s It Like? Reid Harbor Trip Report

Alex Tilley did a great writeup of the 2022 event for the website. Read all about it and see some pictures of the truly special diving.


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